The GC Bodensee Weissenberg App is your digital loyalty program! You can easily earn points through different activities and redeem them for great rewards.The GC Bodensee Weissenberg app offers you:- Easy login with Facebook Connect, Email or Google- Overview of your loyalty points and bonuses- Easy and fast access to customer benefits - whether premiums, prices, special offers or competitions- Individual offers and current informationIt does not matter if you scan the point cards, invite friends, visit a branch or post on Facebook - you have never collected loyalty points so quickly and easily. You will always receive the most important information about events and news first and never miss any more offers!The GC Bodensee Weissenberg app offers you much more:- book start time- Golf School- Club News- Social media- Webcam- Loyalty club- ContactYou also want to be part of GC Bodensee Weissenberg-Treueclub? Lets go! Download the GC Bodensee Weissenberg app now and get the big points!The GC Bodensee Weissenberg app by hello again is a customer loyalty app that is available for all smartphones.